Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why Am I Such a Big Chicken?

Off the cuff here (and off the record, too, okay Reader?  Never mind that it's being published online; let's just keep this between you and me.  It'll be our little secret.)  Do you know what?  I am a big chicken.  I know what you're thinking: "Now that's a surprise!"  It's true, though.  As much as I hate to admit that, it is.  Here I have this great (great) idea for a film, and I'm sitting here, scared to move forward with it.  Like, what if I fail?  Or what if great big boogers fall out of the sky?  Okay, that was gross and juvenile, and I'm sorry, because I know that those of you who visit this my hallowed blog have come to expect much more than that from me by now.  Hmmm, maybe that's not actually true.  I just won't think of that anymore then, shall I?  And why am I asking myself for permission?  This whole blog thing is getting more and more confusing.  So, let me take a moment here to sort things out.

First, make no mistake.  I am in this for the money.  Forget that whole, "It's been my dream for longer than I can remember to dress like a bird and roller skate around."  And forget all the nice peeps out there who have laughed when I told them about the concept for the film, and who said, "You should do that, it would be so funny!"  And then what about the fact that there is really nothing else on the planet that I love more than roller skating and writing long-winded blog entries to you?  Yes, just forget about all of that stuff, alright?  And focus instead on my use of the word "boobies" in a previous blog entry.  An entry that may earn me the kind of censoring attention that most bozos just dream of.  Maybe I should instead focus more on violence.  Nah, that's been done.

I just sketched out a blue-footed booby on yet another stolen napkin.  Or have I not told you about my "Stolen Paper Napkin Series - One"?  (Where should the question mark go in that prior sentence?  If you said, "Before the quotation marks," then you are hired, my friend, for the coveted position of Chicken Ghost Writer.

Ahhh, looks like the rain may be letting up here in Albuquerque.  I hear they don't see much water falling from the sky here.  Wonder if they've started a large-scale rainwater harvesting movement, like some other folks in the desert southwest

Your Low-On-Self-Confidence,

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