Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sometimes I Will Do Your Work For You

Hello there Everyone and welcome back once again to Big Chicken Radio, the home of the assistant with the voice that's still too froggy from a cold to be of much use yet on a radio show.  (I knew I should have hired that other assistant.)

New visitors to the blog include peeps from Russia as well as from Israel - so, Welcome to the Zaniest Blog on the Planet!  Home of Present and Future Mis-Spellings, Poor Punctuation, and Miss Capitalization.*-  This is your unreliable chicken, saying, "You can count on that!"***

That's the end of our show for today, Ladies and Wheat Germs.  Thanks for tuning in.

Your - I Do Work, Upon Occasion,

*-Speaking of Miss Capitalization (you know, that one chick who posted a smarmy comment here about this blog post )I wonder if she's cute.

***It's up to you, dear Listener, to determine what that statement is referring to eggs-actly.  But I won't spell the answer out for you, because, unlike school, here on zbigchicken blog, it's up to you to do the work yourself.  So, here are the options - now, you decide:

When Z'Very Big and Floofy Chicken made the statement that you could count on "that," to what was his Handsome Self referring to?

Option Number One -   That this, his zany blog, was most assuredly going to be the home of future mis-spellings and so forth or

Option Number Two - That your Big Handsome Chicken was (and is) unreliable? Or,

Option Number Three - That I should have stayed in school, because this work thing is for the birds.

Finished?  Now, here is how you compute your score and determine what those results might mean (incidentally, each option is worth five points):

If you chose Option Number One, then you are, clearly, one savvy and sophisticated human person with obvious talent and good looks.

If you chose Option Number Two, then you are probably smarter than you originally let on to those members of my staff who were supposed to be managing the screening process (note to those members of the staff - you're fired.  Get out.  Wait!  Bring me some coffee.  The creamy sweet kind.  thx.  Now, get out.)

Finally, if you chose Option Number Three, then I really can't help you right now, but I'm sure that, upon careful reflection, you yourself will be able to determine the answer that's right for you. 

Now, if I made you laugh with any of this, please let me know with the purchase of a Cyber-Chicken Theater Ticket here or send me one of those thoughtful emails that are sort of like a standing ovation, except there are no folks standing and no applause.  Unless, of course, you are doing that when you reply, in which case, please then post that on youtube and send me a link and I will show everybody how good you look!

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