Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free-Range Chicken

Been thinking more about costume design lately. Well, since Kookaburra broke both of my legs and imprisoned me here for Valentine's Day, I've had a bit of time to think about these things. So, for the suit, I think what I really want is something striking, something smooth, something that makes a bold statement about who I am: namely, a real Ladies' Man.

A good-looking suit, that's what I want. Not like those typical fleece chicken suits that most peeps dress up in around the holidays. Are you kidding? Those suits are tacky! Am I right?! (I am right, aren't I? I wouldn't ask, except I've been feeling a deep need for validation lately, and, while I know that validation should really be an inside job, I prefer the external kind.)

So, in summary, what I'd really like is a sexy chicken suit. Not the tacky kind. And, by the way, I think that this whole imprisonment thing by Kookaburra just proves, once again, that she doesn't really understand me. Why? Because, if she did, she would know that I am a Free-Range Bird.

Unjustly Imprisoned Chicken


  1. Hey, I didn't break both your drumsticks and imprison you just so you could keep writing on your floopy blog. Yeah, that's right, I called it "floopy." If you're going to be communicating with the outside world, write a love poem about me. Oh, and how exactly are you blogging, considering I only gave you a big, heavy typewriter?
