Monday, September 6, 2010

Fowl Musings of a Big Chicken

Do millionaires really make more money than I do?  And, if so, how?

Why do we hate the ones we love the most?

Does anyone else out there love chicken gravy?  Or am I the only one?

How could I make fun of something if I really understood it?  Tell you what, today, a day that is unlike any other day in that it is Monday, I'm going to pick a topic about which I know nothing and make fun of it.  Hmmmmm, let's see......what topic might that be?  .....  I'm having trouble thinking about any topic that I'm not a self-appointed eggspert in.  That's the trouble with self-defined brilliance, you know?  It's the real lack of good, solid opportunities.  Fireflies.  I'm not an expert on them.  Except, yes I am, because I ate one just the other day and it did not taste good, and so I know enough about them to know that I should never eat one of them again.  So, second thought, fireflies are out.  What else?  What else?  Rocket science.  That's one.  No, I do know that people have gone and visited the white orb that shines at night, so that about wraps up the rocket science department, in a nutshell.  (I don't wish to get too technical, seeing as how this blog is more for the "lay"-man.  Speaking of which, did you know that the Twitter bird had the audacity to dump me?  Yeah, I know.  And after all the lies I told her.  I swear, it's like, you put alllll this work into building a relationship based on dishonesty, and then it all crumbles.   Where's the justice?  That's what I want to know.  Then she had the nerve to say it was because of the constant string of one-night stands.  Biddy.  She was really reaching with that one.  I mean, who else but some little, overly-jealous and obviously insecure nit-wit would let something like that come between us?  I did learn my lesson on that one, though.  Next time, no honesty about where I was the night before.  Because when I sit down and really analyze the events that led up to the break-up, it's apparent that that is where I went so wrong.) 

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